Work Better

Glide-Tec keeps you moving – and thus makes possible at the same time a comfortable working posture however you sit. It doesn‘t matter if you lean back or sit up straight: your hands have, in all positions, contact to the writing surface or keyboard.
Sit Better

Your back needs movement – even when you sit. A healthy and stable spinal column is aided by a continuous change between swaybacked and round-back postures.
Relax Better

With Glide-Tec you stay fit – even at the end of a long working day when you have only been sitting. It does not matter which sitting posture you favor: our innovative sitting technology actively combats tension. The neck is not overtaxed and remains always relaxed – and your head stays clear.
Better Adjustment

Glide-Tec gives you the freedom to sit the way you want to. With a simple movement you adjust the chair to your individually desired seat height – and Glide-Tec does the rest automatically for you. Intelligent sitting technology instead of complicated adjustments: The chair fits you so well that you always sit comfortably and in a healthy manner.