Together with a range of internationally recognised scientists we have developed a technology which allows and promotes a natural movement process.
We call this technology "Glide-Tec®".
"Glide-Tec®" supports the active flow of movement of the human being. The "Glide" technology is the heart of, and reason for, "active comfort". It allows a human being to move naturally again - to achieve active comfort by being able to alternate between applying and relieving the load at any time whilst sitting in an office chair. Just as the big cats demonstrate for us in nature.
Evolution does not stand still, and as one step followed the next in the development of apes into Homo sapiens, so our progress too is based on various learning processes.
The result here points the way and will continue to influence office chair designs for years to come.
- We should alternate from lordosis to kyphosis
- This change must take place frequently
- The alternation of movement from lordosis to kyphosis must occur without effort and comfortably

So how do synchronous mechanisms and "Glide-Tec®" perform when compared?

Conventional mechanism chairs
- With their rigid lordosis support conventional chairs do not adapt to the natural changes of the spinal column. Changing from lordosis to reclining kyphosis is not possible.
- They prevent the human being from sitting dynamically because in doing so he is distanced from his range of reach (desk). Consequently the seating position is changed only rarely. As one study shows 60% to 80% of the synchronous mechanism chairs used in day-to-day office work are locked in position - i.e. turned off. The owner doesn't use the in-built dynamics at all because in daily life it gets in the way. The intervertebral disc is not sufficiently nourished and has to gradually atrophy, waste away through lack of use.
- They force their own movement onto the person due to the spring load and thus prevent the natural flow of movement.
"Glide-Tec®" with Air-Shape (Air-Shape as a lordosis/kyphosis support)
- "Glide-Tec®" adapts to the changing back shape and supports the back in any position, i.e. the natural change from lordosis to reclining kyphosis is supported.
- "Glide-Tec®" with Air-Shape promotes correct dynamic sitting because the range of reach to the desk is maintained and it is thus possible to change the seating position very often.
- "Glide-Tec®" allows a natural movement from lordosis to kyphosis. Anyone who can instinctively control the motor functions of his body will control it correctly. The chairs with "Glide-Tec®" from GrammerOffice support precisely this side of subconscious sitting.

Grammer Office "active comfort" with "Glide-Tec®" is superior to conventional chair in three ways.